The politics of comparing apples and oranges when they are both in the bowl
Some of Hillary Clinton’s supporters are making claims that the reason she is not doing well in her run for president is sexism and misogyny – that people do not support her because she is a woman. Misogyny certainly exists, and denying that would be as nuts and out of touch with reality as saying …
Lynda Barry and Kenneth Patchen
Lynda Barry lived in Olympia for a time and started cartooning at Evergreen State College in 1977, a little over a decade before I was there. Take time to watch Lynda Barry on Her Writing ProcessThe writer discusses her class and her book, “What It Is.”The New York Times > Arts > Interactive Feature > …
Some thoughts before Mother’s Day
PFLAG-Olympia meets on Sunday. See you there? Yay! Noel is coming home for a couple of days on Monday which will be cool. Here’s a good article on coming out, which I commented on at the Bilerico site: I’m Not Out. But, Ya know, They Knowby Eric Leven ~ May 8, 2008 ~ The Bilerico …
Thirteen years
Yes its another anniversary. Bill died thirteen years ago. Thank you to all of you who remembered and to all of you who are out there doing things to turn hate to love, acceptance and celebration. Every thing we do counts. I’ve just helped put two new blogs are online and I wanted to mention …
The Story of Stuff — exposing the real costs of our use-it and lose-it approach to stuff.
The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns, with a special focus on the United States. All the stuff in our lives, beginning from the extraction of the resources to make it, through its production, sale, use and disposal, affects communities at home and …
If it’s not racism then what is it?
Jerry Falwell said America had 9/11 coming because we tolerated gays, feminists and liberals. It was our fault. Our chickens had come home to roost, if you will. John McCain proudly received his support and even spoke at his university’s commencement. Reverend John Hagee has called the Catholic Church the “Great Whore.” He has said …
The Cure at Troy
Alec and I saw some more great theater last week when we were up in Seattle. He wrote: The Seattle Repertory Theatre’s performance of “The Cure at Troy” is absolutely amazing. It is a retelling of an ancient and little known Greek play by Sophocles written by Nobel Prize-winning poet Seamus Heaney and directed by …
REBECCA RIOTS ~ again in Olympia!
One of my favorite bands REBECCA RIOTS is coming to Olympia again on their Northwest tour. If you get a chance to see them I recommend you do. You can listen to some clips from their songs on the website, and we have two of their songs, “How I Feel” and “How I Feel Now” …
‘Ascetic’ at Midnight Sun in Olympia.
Alec and I went to the play ‘Ascetic’ put on by TAO – Theater Artists Olympia at the Midnight Sun theater space on Sunday night. Alec had previewed a rehearsal at the director’s house for his weekly theater column in the News Tribune. I was unable to go to the rehersal because it was close …