reclaiming my voice
My last blog post was in 2013. Yow! Partly that’s because I’ve been busy posting on Facebook and elsewhere, partly it is I have been quite busy, and partly it is that I just plain forgot that I had a blog. Oops. I’m redesigning my website (finally) which will among other things be a showplace …
Wa are having a Giant Home Studio Art Sale this weekend!
Please join us this weekend for the Claytons’ Giant Home Studio Art Sale! More than 150 paintings and drawings! Crazy low prices! We have been severely impacted by the financial meltdown and have both lost work we depend on to meet our basic living expenses. So … we’re having a two-day art sale at our …
My Savory Oatmeal
Breakfast this morning was savory oatmeal. Yum! I used leftover rolled oats with a spoonful of peanut butter (chunky), soy milk (vanilla flavored), red chili flakes, Trader Joe’s Everyday Seasoning (which is sea salt, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, coriander, onion, garlic, paprika and chili peppers) and Jamaican (spicy) curry powder from Buck’s Fifth Avenue – …
The Last Letter: A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran
March 18, 2013 The Last LetterA Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran To: George W. Bush and Dick CheneyFrom: Tomas Young “I write this letter on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War on behalf of my fellow Iraq War veterans. I write this letter on behalf of the …
Great theater! The Big Voice: God or Merman?
I’ve been meaning to share this, so here it is! You get to watch ALL of the New York Off-Broadway production of The Big Voice: God or Merman?– written and performed by Jim Brochu & Steve Schalchlin. Enjoy! The Big Voice: God or Merman? Act One The Big Voice: God or Merman? Act Two “Think …
Alec Clayton’s got big stuff happening and you’re invited!
A Six Person Art Exhibit! AZUL CONTEMPORARY INTERPRETATIONS IN PRIMARY BLUE MOOD Join us for the Artist Reception Thursday Jan. 17, 5-9 p.m. B2 Gallery 711 St. Helens Ave., Tacoma, WA The show runs through March 2nd. __________________________ Dramatic readings from his newest novel Return to Freedom Readings at bookstores in Olympia and Tacoma …
A little bit of history: The Salvation Army Kettle “Dollars” Protest
I am still hearing about folks using Salvation Army kettle “dollars” to let the Salvation Army know of their disapproval regarding the organization’s homophobic/transphobic policies. The first Salvation Army kettle protest “dollars” that I know of were created in November 2001 by Mary Scholl, then President of the PFLAG Genesee County, MI chapter. The graphic …
Dodging Puddles – by Noel Clayton
Our son Noel Clayton wrote and posted this on Facebook on October 31, 2012. I have his permission to share it, and I added the photos of Noel and Bill…————————————————————–I missed it. Somewhere in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a milestone came and went without comment. Many runners will tell you of …
A local public television station and a PFLAG-Olympia screening of the documentary “Two Spirits” – Sexuality, Gender, and the Murder of Fred Martinez
The documentary “Two Spirits” explores the life and death of a boy who was also a girl and the essentially spiritual nature of gender. Fred Martinez was nádleehí, a male-bodied boy with a feminine nature, a special gift according to his Navajo culture. Martinez was brutally murdered at 16 in Cortez, Colorado in 2001. “Two …