Mark Morford: Bush Pardons Entire GOP

Prez “pre-emptively” saves all Repubs from becoming “prison bitches.” Dems: “Can he do that?” Allegedly reacting to some sort of hallucinogenic fever dream following an overlong bubble bath during which he reportedly sputtered lots of motorboat noises and ate one too many purple crayons, President Bush today made the stunning yet somehow entirely understandable announcement …

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This is what I gave as a reason for unsubscribing from the Democratic Party listserv

This is what I replied when asked for a reason when I unsubscribed from two Democratic Party email listservs: I am not pleased with the Democratic Party as they have been voting in for more war funds, more money than Bush asked for abstinence only programs, and generally not standing up for what used to …

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Yesterday October 7th was my 54th birthday. Yow.

Alec and I met Catherine for an early breakfast at Darby’s restaurant downtown. Later Alec and I went to some politial events. First in the early afternoon we went to a debate between three ‘minor party’ candidates for the U.S. Senate: Green Party candidate Aaron Dixon, Libertarian Party candidate Bruce Guthrie, and Independent Robin Adair. …

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