Olympia named #10 on best places for business in USA on Forbes’ list
The Olympia metropolitan area ranks as one of the top places in the country for business and careers, according to a new Forbes magazine study. and The study ranks Olympia 10th out of the 200 largest metropolitan areas in the country. The Olympia metro area, which comprises all of Thurston County with its population of …
The Wives of Marty Winters
On Alec’s blog: South Sound Arts etc. ~ Posted: 07 Apr 2007 The Wives of Marty Winters is my latest novel. I’m in the midst of my second complete rewrite — up to page 147 of 212 right now, after having two trusted friends who are good writers read it and make editorial comments. One …
Mark Morford column: Notes and Errata ~ Is Your Fetus A Republican?
Soon, DNA testing will tell if your baby is gay. Or smart. Or the next George Bush. Ready? and Here are but a few of the imminent questions: What would you do if you knew your unborn child was, without doubt, destined to be gay? Or what if you knew your unborn had all the …
McCain & Lindsey’s stroll and what it hath wrought at the Shorja market in Baghdad
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – The crack of shots fired by unseen snipers echoed on Monday through Baghdad’s wholesale Shorja market, a day after U.S. Senator John McCain held up his visit there as one sign of improving security in Baghdad. and “Who said there was security?” asked carpet salesman Abu Ammar, 55, who said he sold …
wild, wacky impish wonderful animations
kunstbar … an animation by Whitehouse Animation Inc animators for art-lovers! The Prophets … an animation by Steve Whitehouse. (Viewer discretion advised) More animation by Whitehouse Animation Inc and The Man Behind Mr. Man An October 18, 2006 interview with Steve Whitehouse by Aaron Simpson of Cold Hard Fash: a news source focusing on TV …
One of my favorite pictures!!!
This is Axel and me at Everything for Everybody on 13th Street,in the West Village meat packing warehouse district in New York Cityjust a bit after we met.This was before I was pregnant with Noel in about 1974. We were so young!This was 34 years ago. Alec was about as old as Noel is now. …
sammy’s haircut and news!
This is sammy (sam schaefer-joel) getting a new haircut, zack looking on with disbelief at what sam has let him do. Photo by Lebn – posted with permission. Thanks. Great hair Sam! He wrote: Valparaiso, Chile. My new favorite city. It´s a cultural center of Chile, port town, steep hills covered with colorful houses–many with …