What can I say about yesterday?
Yesterday was a dream I will never wake from, and yet so real. I am grounded in love and community. John Lennon’s piano was on my lawn and in my dining room. You should have seen sweet wonderful Steve Schalchlin‘s hands dance on that piano, and heard him sing “Imagine”, “Will It Always Be Like …
Lennon piano to stop in Olympia
May 7, 2007 ~ The Olympian ~ Olympia, WAFront page: SOUTH SOUND Lennon’s piano in town As part of a peace project, John Lennon’s piano is being photographed at scenes of violence, including the home of an Olympia teen after an assault based on his sexual orientation pages B1& B2: Lennon piano to stop in …
The Proverbial Cat is out of the Bag ~ Lennon’s Piano
Steve Schalchlin has already posted about it twice in his blog. This is really happening on Tuesday ~ Wow! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (To be will distributed on the U.S.1 and U.K. wires first thing Monday morning.)CONTACT: Catharine FlaggThe Buzzell Company214-219-9191 cf@buzzellco.com Caroline True469-348-4342 011-44-7774-981111 caroline.true@mac.com THE PIANO ON WHICH JOHN LENNON COMPOSED THE SONG ‘IMAGINE’ …
Another Commercial Break ~ Honda Does a Domino Trick
Woah. I don’t know about the ad selling cars, but this is fascinating to watch! There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in this ad. Everything you see really happened in real time … exactly as you see it. The film took 606 takes, cost six million dollars and took three months to complete. …
Come to the Capital City Pride Desserts & Delectable Delights Auction on Sunday!
Capital City PrideDesserts & Delectable Delights Auction! Sunday, May 6th ~3-5pmat Ramblin’ Jacks520 4th Ave EDowntown Olympiahttp://ramblinjacks.com Carol Watson, Auctioneer Delectable Dining Certificates, Fabulous Cakes & Desserts, Wine & Spirits, Feast for the Self (pamper your body), Food for the Soul (art & theatre), Weekend Getaways, Privately Catered Dinners, Signed Ceremonial Bill Cover of the …
Two days in June ~ and more!
Saturday, June 16th is Noel’s birthday. He doesn’t know if he will be in Seattle or not, but we plan to be. We will be going to The Fremont Solstice Parade & Pageant. Fremont is a Seattle neighborhood and it is the Center of The Universe. See Fremont’s Urban Mythology Collected by Jon Hegeman from …
Bob Minor: Virginia Tech, Don Imus, and America’s Seething Anger
There’s a seething anger not far below the surface of many people in America today. It’s ready to explode at the least feeling of being slighted. You see it when someone gets cut off in traffic, someone doesn’t like how someone looks at them, a relationship breaks up, or the service in a restaurant is …
Breakthrough Gay Advances in Past Three Weeks
The United States has seen a series of astonishing gay advances in the past three weeks. When Connecticut state Rep. Beth Bye’s turn came to speak about the need for her legislature to approve gay marriage, she tearfully recalled her devout Catholic father’s loving participation in her civil union ceremony, then described the pain of …