The next best thing …

… to being there is reading Steve Schalchlin’s blog Living in the Bonus Round and listening to his songs. The truth is I haven’t even seen The Big Voice: God or Merman, and I can’t see it now. But I saw The Last Session three times (New York City, Denver Colorado, and Laguna Beach California). …

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Holey Moley! The front page of today’s Wall Street Journal does the Imagine Piano Peace Project

The piano on which John Lennon composed “Imagine,” his famous ode to peace and healing, is on a yearlong magical mystery tour of the U.S. with a macabre twist. The nutmeg-colored Steinway upright, believed to have been in Mr. Lennon’s country home in Ascot, England, is crisscrossing the country to show up at some of …

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debunked : a Hate Crimes Prevention Act urban legend

The American Family Association’s claims about the Matthew Shepard hate crimes bill were so outlandish that they’ve been debunked on the urban-myth-busting website Snopes. Claim: A bill before Congress would make it a “hate crime” for pastors and churches to speak against homosexuality. Status: False. See: Hate Crimes Prevention Act @ Snopes Urban Legends.

Glorious! Schalchlin & Brochu do San Francisco

A Fantastic First Preview. By the end of the show, they were on their feet immediately. The most enthusiastic ovation imaginable. And afterwards, in the lobby, we hugged everyone, of course. Our favorite thing. It was fantastic. And so many of them commented on how glad they were that that show was not amplified. Hey! …

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Jason Hungerford’s aunt is missing.

My dear friend Jason Hungerford’s aunt is missing. Joey Lynn Offutt, a 33-year-old single mother, has been missing since July 12, 2007, after a fire destroyed her home in Sykesville, Pennsylvania. See my aunt has been missing andJason’s blog Perks of Being Me Please help if you can, and spread the word. Jason is the …

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