You gotta read this! Clowns KKKick KKK ass!

Knoxville rejects Nazis and Klan. Saturday May 26th the VNN Vanguard Nazi/KKK group attempted to host a hate rally to try to take advantage of the brutal murder of a white couple for media and recruitment purposes. Unfortunately for them the 100th ARA (Anti Racist Action) clown block came and handed them their asses …

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H. Alexander Robinson of National Black Justice Coalition Responds to the Sen. Larry Craig Restroom Incident

Here is a good article about this incident and the issues it raises on The Bilerico Project website: Sen. Larry Craig’s recent sexual restroom exploits have given the American community an unexpected but valuable teachable moment that should be embraced and further understood. Instead of running from the tabloid fodder, late night talk show jokes, …

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Doozie dayz.

Doozie likes to snuggle so much that she nosed and pushed herself inside my zippered vest yesterday for a nap while I was trying to work on the computer. She also crawls under the covers part of the night and curls up by our legs. When the boys were little we used to carry them …

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Our cat’s name

Our cat has been given a new name. Its Doozie.The name Chloe was pretty, but Doozie fits her much better because she sure is one.

The Tenement Museum ~ WOW !

The Lower East Side Tenement Museum’s mission is to promote tolerance and historical perspective through the presentation and interpretation of the variety of immigrant and migrant experiences on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, a gateway to America. There’s tons of historical information, stories, a fascinating ‘virtual tour’ and more on the website of this cool history …

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A little bit on names. A parent’s legacy.

My name, Gabrielle was given to me in honor of Gabriel Péri, a prominent French Communist journalist and politician. Péri distinguished himself as an expert in the field of diplomatic and international relations and was a strident anti-fascist. He denounced both Benito Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia and France’s non-intervention in the Spanish Civil War. Péri …

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