We’re having a studio art and book sale at our home/office/studio in Olympia, Washington on the weekend of December 16 and 17. We hope you will join us!
We’ve recently been hit hard with home repairs—everything hitting all at once— a new roof, new gutters, replacing a furnace and electrical panel, cleaning ductwork, adding insulation, and plumbing repairs. We are doing this sale to help us pay back at least part of the home equity loan we had to take out, on which we still owe almost $19,000.00.
Gabi Clayton’s drawings and prints and Alec Clayton’s paintings will be on display for your viewing pleasure and for purchase. The artworks are abstract or figurative, and sometimes both in the same work.
Copies of all of Alec’s books will be for sale.
You’ve seen much of our art on Facebook or Instagram and on our personal websites. Now you can see them in person while visiting with us and with other friends.
There will be some snacks — we’ll try not to run out.
You can also find out how to order prints, T-shirts, coffee mugs and other items with Gabi’s art printed on them.
Artwork and autographed books make terrific and unique presents.
In addition to Alec and Gabi’s artwork and Alec’s books, we will have for sale these books by Mud Flat Press authors:
- Christmas on a Distant Planet by bestselling author Jack Butler with illustrations by Gabi Clayton, a delightful and brilliant young adult sci-fi Christmas story
- Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction), a collection of 31 great stories by 19 great writers including local Olympia and Tacoma writers Jenni Prange Boran, Christian Carvajal, Alec Clayton, CK Combs, Keith Eisner, John Knold, Megan Kruse, Meenu Madhavan, Shree Nath, and James O’Barr.
For more information and to see samples of our art, visit:
and Gabi’s shop on RedBubble.com:
Times and Dates:
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, December 16
1-4 p.m. Sunday, December 17
Doozie is an indoor-only cat who lives with us. Please help us not to let her out.
We know some people have allergies and need to know this.
Call or email us for an address or if you have questions:
360-556-4259 (Alec) or 360-888-5291 (Gabi)