In October 2001 an article titled “Bill Clayton” by Olivier Björksäter-Bleylock was published in DNA, a national gay magazine in Australia. An interview with me was done through email, and was the best one I had ever experienced — and the most intense. Olivier asked about some things that were not in Bill’s story on my website since 1996. Answering those questions took days and sometimes had me in a puddle of tears.
It was posted on the DNA website, and I linked to it for a long time but eventually the link stopped being good. I couldn’t find it online anymore. A slightly different version of Olivier’s article was published on Mogenic, an Australian-based gay youth webzine and internet community, which is also not online now.
Luckily I was able to retrieve the Mogenic version of Olivier’s article from The Wayback Machine (an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.)
Here it is, “Bill Clayton” by Olivier Björksäter-Bleylock. (PDF format): https://gabiclayton.com/BillsStory/Bill-Clayton–October-2001-article-by-Olivier-Björksäter-Bleylock.pdf