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Bill Moyers returns! “Buying the War” on Bill Moyers Journal

How did the mainstream press get it so wrong? How did the evidence disputing the existence of weapons of mass destruction and the link between Saddam Hussein to 9-11 continue to go largely unreported? “What the conservative media did was easy to fathom; they had been cheerleaders for the White House from the beginning and …

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Silencing New Voices? ~ what is wrong with asking questions and using challenging inquiry?

In my limited understanding of Jewish tradition this quote relates to what is below it: Questioning-asking has not only long been seen as a central component of Jewish educational practice but has also been thought to be part of a broader culture of Judaism. from: Beyond Questioning: Inquiry Strategies and Cognitive and Affective Elements of …

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great article: “Old Mike, new Christine”

During my 23 years with The Times’ sports department, I have held a wide variety of roles and titles. Tennis writer. Angels beat reporter. Olympics writer. Essayist. Sports media critic. NFL columnist. Recent keeper of the Morning Briefing flame. Today I leave for a few weeks’ vacation, and when I return, I will come back …

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Gem of the Ocean

Yesterday Alec and I went to Seattle to see Gem of the Ocean by Pulitzer Prize winner August Wilson, directed by Phylicia Rashad, at Seattle Repertory’s Bagley Wright Theatre. It will be there until May 6th. ~ See it if you can ~ it’s excellent, very powerful! More on Gem of the Ocean in Wikipedia. …

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An Interview with Doctor Hunter “Patch” Adams, founder of the Gesundheit Institute

“The Gesundheit Institute is a pie in the face of greed – by taking the most expensive thing in America, health care, and giving it away for free.” and We [Gesundheit Institute] represent possibly the only model in this country really addressing the problems of care delivery in an active model. We are now culminating …

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“My Name is Rachel Corrie” at TESC in Olympia April 27,28, & 29, then “Voices of a People’s History” in Olympia on May 5

From April 26th through 29th, the Seattle Repertory Theatre production of My Name is Rachel Corrie will be performed at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, brought by Evergreen Expressions. The Rachel Corrie Foundation is organizing talkbacks, post-play discussions by those who attend the play, and educational outreach to local high school and college students. …

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Nagasaki Mayor Ito killed

With the killings in Virgina in so much of the news another important story is not getting much attention. I thank my friend TJ Johnson for bringing it to my attention. TJ wrote in an email: Nagasaki Mayor Ito killed Violence has claimed the life of another peacemaker. Earlier today the Mayor Iccho Ito of …

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Last Night Olympia’s City Council Said No to Adopting Rafah as a Sister City

The Olympia City Council voted 4-2 against adopting the Gaza Strip city of Rafah as a sister city late Tuesday night. Before the vote, at nearly midnight, an overflow crowd of about 150 people attended a public hearing about the subject, and 83 signed up to speak. Of those, 55 supported of the proposal and …

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Virgina Tech

My thoughts are with the people connected to the Virginia Tech students and teachers who lost thier lives, the dozens of people who were shot, and the thousands of people who were traumatised in any way by the shooting there. As the reports started coming from Blacksburg I heard someone on the news say she …

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