“Hillary for President?” by Cindy Sheehan

Soon after Camp Casey, in August 2005, I was meeting with some Hollywood people who pretended that they supported me, but really were big money donors and supporters of Hillary. I was told that the senator was really against the war, but she was waiting for the politically correct time to come out against it. I was told that she was the best hope for the Democrats in 2008, and I should give her a break.

I don’t know who Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood and Mr. Hollywood Got Rocks thought that they were talking to. My son was used as a “soldier of Christ” in BushCo’s crusade against the world and a political pawn in this pro-war Democrat’s moves toward the White House. I was disgusted and noted this in many blogs that I wrote at the time.


I, my sister Dede, and another Gold Star Mother, Lynn Braddach, whose son, Travis Nall, was killed in Iraq in 2003, met with Senator Clinton in DC in September of 2005. We poured our hearts and souls out to her. We cried as we told her of our sons and our fear for the people of Iraq and the escalating body count of our brave young people. She sat there stone-faced and walked out and told Sarah Ferguson of the Village Voice, “My bottom line is that I don’t want their sons to die in vain…. I don’t believe it’s smart to set a date for withdrawal…. I don’t think it’s the right time to withdraw.” She may as well have slapped us in the face using Bloody George’s line and using our son’s sacrifice to justify her war-mongering.

Read all of Hillary for President?
by Cindy Sheehan | t r u t h o u t | Guest Contributor | 1/22/2007

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