Thank you for speaking up and standing up for unity in our shared community while we face neo-Nazis this weekend.

The Evergreen State College, St. Martin’s University and South Puget Sound Community College take great pride in our welcoming community and in the roles our institutions have played in making this one of the most vibrant, diverse, creative and respected communities in Washington state. These qualities are a beacon that attracts the best and brightest …

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The End of Pride

It’s time to stop parading and start marching, for Jack and Ennis’ sake. and I caught up with Brokeback Mountain the other day. I don’t know about you, but I usually wait quite a while to see new movies, and the more fuss and flackery there is, the longer I wait. and So far as …

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The Stay Close Campaign

In 2002 PFLAG New York City took the lead in developing The Stay Close Campaign as awareness campaign to get the word out about the PFLAG organization to parents, families, teachers, clergy, politicians, GLBT people, and the general public. Why This Campaign is So Important * It is estimated that one in 4 families includes …

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Stand Up With the War Resisters & Peacemakers!

This is an email from CODEPINK – a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities. June 29, 2006 Dear Gabi, The Bush administration has repeatedly stated that when the Iraqis stand up, our soldiers …

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yesterday’s Olympian editorial ~ Show unity in face of hate group’s rally

The group likes to prey on disenfranchised youths that might be susceptible to their venomous, ridiculous rhetoric about nonwhites stealing jobs from whites. and Unity in the Community is using the neo-Nazi presence in the Olympia area to redouble its public education and research efforts, turning lemons into lemonade. “Unity is poised as the polar …

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Divorced From Reality

The Constitutional Amendment We Really Need Would Protect Us from Family-Values Hypocrites—and Protect Family-Values Hypocrites from Themselves Amendment: Congress shall recognize no votes or opinions about the sanctity and preservation of marriage from its members who have been divorced and/or remarried while their first spouses are still alive. (To say nothing of those who are …

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