Yesterday I shared a post on Facebook that simply said, Today, 73 million Americans depend on Social Security every month. I am one. Right now there are 85 responses, 23 comments and 8 shares.
A friend’s comment included a reference to “people who worked all their lives.” and that got me thinking. I replied:
Alec and I worked all of our adult lives too. Not often at what may be considered regular jobs — aside from his time in the navy, we have done full-time volunteer work for a sort of room & board, self-employment, scraping to get by running small not for profit organizations while raising kids, being artists and writer, part-time jobs and some full-time employment.
We have no retirement fund. The house we bought with Alec’s unused VA benefit is not underwater, but refinanced three times to pay for repairs etc., we owe slightly more than double what we bought it for. We couldn’t make it financially without having a housemate.
Our social security put together is apparently less than what others get as on their own if they work a traditional career. At 82 and 72 we are still working. No regrets except briefly when money is tight. But if the current administration takes away or messes with/privatizes Social Security and Medicare, we are most likely screwed.

Everything for Everybody — life, love and marriage communal style in the 1970s, essay by Alec Clayton.