My name is Gabi Clayton and this website is in honor of one of my two sons, Bill.Bill was openly bi-sexual. In April of 1995, he was assaulted in a hate crime here in Olympia, WA (USA).
On May 8, 1995 Bill committed suicide, despite loving support from his family, friends and many wonderful people in our community. Bill was 17 years old. He was a bright, warm and creative young man. He is greatly missed.Please remember him, and speak out to end discrimination, hate speech and violence against people who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered - and against anyone for any reason. This website focuses mostly on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality and safety issues, but it is all connected. We are all connected.
And silence is where the hate grows.If you are looking for the page related to the "I believe in monsters" quote, it is here.
If you would like to know more about what happened to Bill, please read
Bill's Story -- Portrait of a Son's Suicide. *
More about Bill's Story - links to all my other pages that are directly related to Bill's story, and to related articles by other writers. There is also a banner graphic there that can be used to link to Bill's Story from your website. Bill Clayton -- a picture album Responses to Bill's Story - links to pages with all the email responses to Bill's story (that I had permission to post) and guestbook entries. * "Bill's Story" as a 7-page PDF formatted file ready for printing. NOTE: It is not okay to post "Bill's Story" in whole or in large parts on other websites. The reason for this is that there are many things connected to it that are linked to this page which I want people to be able to access, and also from time to time I have made small changes to the story and would not be able to do that if it is on a website that I cannot access. It is fine to link to "Bill's Story" on your website and to post a short quote from it with a photo. It is not permitted to publish "Bill's Story" online or in print in whole without my permission. You may print the 7-page PDF formatted file (just above) for yourself or to share personally with family, friends or in a class. If you have any questions about this, please ask me. "Window" is a film I made for my final project as a senior film student at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington in 1989. Some brief but important notes were added at the end along with the much shorter original video that this film was made from. The boy in it was my son Bill Clayton at age ten. |
You can share Bill's Story on Facebook:
Also see my website for more information about me ...and my blog which is a mixture of personal things about me,
my family and friends; and also the issues I am interested in
and articles I recommend reading.Bill Clayton - Not Forgotten! - Create awareness and support the work I have been doing since Bill's death by purchasing Bill Clayton memorial posters and gear that I designed and sell on CafePress. Thank you!
My e-mail address is
You can open an email to me by clicking on "email Gabi" in the menu above.
This website ©1996-2022 Gabi Clayton
Menu by Milonic