Gabi Clayton's Guestbook #38 - From 6/23/02 to 9/2/02
Note: This guestbook reads from the bottom of the page up. -- Gabi

Monday 09/02/2002 1:08:47am

Name: Steve Jones
Homepage URL:
Location: Australia
Comments: Bill, may you find it more peacfull in the place you have left us for. It took you great strength to make this decision as I know the guilt of leaving family and friends behind is almost over wellming. May your soul be at peace


Sunday 09/01/2002 9:42:59pm

Name: James
Homepage URL:
Location: MI
Comments: Reading Bills story moved me to tears. I wish people could just wake up and see the light, but until that happens thank God the world has people like you, who despite your lose, you have an incredable strength to keep going and illuminate peoples lives.



Saturday 08/31/2002 11:53:12am

Name: Sonja Huffman
Homepage URL:
Comments: Thank you for your sharing your story. I am a member of our local Pflag organization and am trying to make a difference. My 21 year old daughter is a lesbian. I ordered a t-shirt and will wear it often. Your son's story is an important one and sends a strong message as to the destruction gay-bashing does in our society. God bless you.
Sonja Huffman



Saturday 08/31/2002 8:29:52am

Name: Jessy And Danny
Homepage URL:
Location: Melbourne, AU
Comments: A very moving Story. May he rest safe in god's loving arms.


Thursday 08/29/2002 6:52:20am

Name: Griet
Homepage URL:
Location: Belgium, Europe
Comments: Dear Gabi and family,

Bill's story has touched me immensely. It is unthinkable that in this day and age people are being assaulted because of something so minor as who they are attracted to. But it happens. And it's important that we are aware of that, and of the fact that behind every headline is a real person, with feelings and a family. It is so easy to become cynical these days.
I stumbled across your website in search for information for my master's thesis, on psychological welbeing of gay/les/bi youth. The data are not encouraging.
Thank you for putting your story online and helping me focus on the people behind the figures. Thank you for your support of Bill... many gay/les/bi kids could only wish for a mother like you.


Tuesday 08/27/2002 2:55:37pm

Name: James
Homepage URL:
Location: Dallas
Comments: Thank you for sharing your story with me. I suffferd most of the same traumas as did Billy while I was growing up....the terrible things people said to me...emotional as well as physical scars still haunt me. I am now a 29 year old man....diagnosed with severe depression....I to know the pain Billy felt....I have survived 3 attempts, The last year has benn so wonderful....talking to thoes that have gone through all this as helped me like no other therapy could. God Bless You.


Sunday 08/25/2002 10:48:02am

Name: Carl
Homepage URL:
Comments: Thanks for sharing Bill's story.


Thursday 08/22/2002 8:16:41pm

Homepage URL:
Comments: nice webpage



Wednesday 08/21/2002 6:40:51pm

Name: Denver doug
Homepage: The Wondering Jew
Homepage URL:
Location: Denver, Colorado
Comments: My sympathy to you over the loss of your beloved son. I have nothing but utter disgust with the parents who teach their children to hate, who use twisted logic to form their family into people who do physical harm to others -- for whatever reason.



Wednesday 08/21/2002 12:19:58am

Name: Gail Hand
Homepage URL:
Location: Portland, OR
Comments: Hello Gabi,
I just read your page and am very happy and proud that you have shared your story with the world.
Your son had grace in his eyes, and a gem for a mother.
I am so happy that you could support him when he needed you. We all grieve the loss of your son, and am so happy that you stood up for his freedom.
I am a professional lesbian, currently working for American Express. I have torued colleges around the country with a humorous performance on coming out filled with stories or the good, the bad and the ugly.
We're out here educating the world as best we can. Let me know if you would ever like to chat. You can get a hold of me through my website.
Thank you again for touching all of us with Bill's story



Sunday 08/18/2002 9:37:41am

Name: charlene p.gardner
Homepage: the story of bill
Homepage URL:
Comments: dear gabi,thank you for your courage to still love humanity!!especially after
man's humanity took your wonderful son.
today is august 18,02,last night i watched a special on t.v.about a mormon
family in utah who's father steve died of aides.that story has woke me up throughout the night and now i must do something about what God is laying on my heart to do.this was a family of 2
sons named tony and parker and mom kim,and dad steve.i missed the last 10 minutes of the show so i don't know the outcome of mom kim.she had contracted aides from dad,but i have never seen such love from or within a family unit before such as what this family had.
but i am totally shocked that the mormon church would go so far as to seriously consider ex-
communicating one of their own beloved family members!!!! OH MY I am so upset and appalled at that very thought!!!
family is meant to be unconditional love,acceptance and FORGIVENESS!!!!!!
and to think that GOD'S house and his own people could show such blantant disregard to the
!!!! WHOOOOOOOO BACKKKKKK! that family did not need any more stress or adversity on them than they already had,
but when i saw those 2 stronge wonderful young sons i just want to hug'em.i also want to contact you know how i might do that? i have written some prose for them that i'd like to send to them.they will forever be in this grandmothers heart and prayers

chalene p gardner, 205 roberts road

heart to do.


Thursday 08/15/2002 1:47:36pm

Name: Mike
Homepage URL:
Location: Rochester, NY
Comments: Dear Gabi,
Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of your son, Bill. It saddens me greatly to know that this world that we live in can be so cruel. Is it such a crime to love? Does it really matter that people love one another of the same sex? I would think that given the history of mankind which happens to be filled with wars and hate that we could at least get out of that mentality.
Anyways- I want to thank you for creating this site. I too am a gay male struggling with life. Sometimes I wonder if life really is worth all this effort. I've been extremely depressed lately but after reading your son's story i feel better somehow.


Monday 08/12/2002 9:55:04am

Name: Rose Mary Colarusso
Homepage: God Hears You
Homepage URL:
Location: Wyoming Pa
Comments: no one should have to go through this because of something that there is no control over.. you have my deepest sympathy and i am ashamed of the people that caused this to happen..


Friday 08/09/2002 8:28:54am

Name: George
Homepage URL:
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Comments: Sob!! How can i put my hearts feelings in words to u....words may never do justice to the love i have for u for what u have been through...U know the story i just read tells a lot of what we go thru here in nigera..u know its "not" an african thing to be anything but straight here.....if u are then get ready for the shame of your life.....but we hope it would soon change..anyway keep up the good u all


Monday 08/05/2002 2:29:22pm

Name: Betty Redding ( Trina's Mom )
Homepage: My Story
Homepage URL:
Location: Oklahoma USA
Comments: My condolences for your loss of your son ,what you're family and particularly your wonderful son Bill had to go through. I too lost a child to suicide & I know how much this site means to you.
God Bless


Sunday 08/04/2002 8:21:44pm

Name: Roxanne
Homepage URL:
Comments: Within the last 6 months both of my children a daughter and a son shared with me that they are gay. These issues have never been important to me before, but they are now.

I will cherish my children more after reading your pain. I wish Bill were still here, he could have been friends of my children. Bill ws sweet, I am sorry we won't have the chance to know him. But because of you his legacy of love and kindness have given me comfort.


Saturday 08/03/2002 10:00:11pm

Name: Aaron Michael Newman
Homepage URL:
Location: Shoreline,Washington
Comments: I discovered that I'm trangendered MtF about two months ago now, and I've been doing research on the whole gender/sex thing ever since. I keep running into your name! Also, when I hit this site while researching about gender discrimination, I got a strong hunch that we will meet,and since my boy mask shattered,my intuition has skyrocketed, and I'm learning to trust it implicitly. I think what you're doing is wonderful.


Friday 08/02/2002 11:26:32pm

Name: Rob Johnston
Homepage URL:
Location: Sydney Australia
Comments: A wonderful expression of love, though heartbreakingly sad that you lost your son, it's so positive in so many ways.

My son, who is just 15, told me about his growing awareness of his sexuality after getting into his third fight in so many months at school. I was so upset that he thought it would bother me, we are working through his issues at school and I sense he is happier.

I feel a mixture of red hot anger towards the bullies at school and fear of letting Ben out of my sight. As a single parent, there have been many struggles, we came though them together. I am so frightened that Ben is finding life too hard, however I keep trying to let him know that however hard life can be there are so many wonders ahead.

Gosh, my comments have been rather long, just wanted to say that your words and thoughts have help one rather worried Dad.

Best wishes, Rob


Friday 08/02/2002 10:50:00pm

Name: Carlos
Homepage URL:
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Comments: I am saddened by the choices your son felt he was forced to make by a world designed to be such an opportunity. It's amazing that in this day and age our civilization has not evolved to the point where it acts out the greatest truth of life: Love is all there is. Your son made the ultimate sacrifice, and in doing so forced others to look at that state of our society. He was a brave young man, and through you, he will continue encourage others and act as a vivid reminder that hate and intolerance have no place in the world if we are all to truly come into the fullness of who we are. You and your son are truly a testament to the human spirit.

Love and best wishes,



Friday 08/02/2002 9:43:08am

Name: Esther
Homepage URL:
Location: Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Comments: Actually I visit this websites just because this related to my assignment's topic.Howver,I feel so touched snd also feel that there is warm around the world.If the public gave more space to bill,I think there have one more kind man in this world that maybe can help others!The public had no point to blame other people sexuality.I admire your braveness,Bill.Although your life is not so long,your life is splendent.You make your parents and friends feel proud ....I believe you already found your way to overcome your problem...and you have found your happiness.


Thursday 08/01/2002 3:42:35pm

Name: Gary Templer
Homepage URL:


Thursday 08/01/2002 6:13:41am

Name: Nigel Szczepaniak
Homepage URL:
Location: United Kingdom
Comments: I am a 39 year-old gay man living in England. I can identify with some of the pain Bill must have felt. For the first time in my life I actually feel comfortable with who I am, partly because I have finally met someone who I love and who loves me, but also as a result of several years of therapy.
You don't need me to tell you how lucky you were to have a son like Bill but perhaps you do need to be told that he was lucky too having parents, family friends like his.
Thank you for sharing Bill's story with the world.


Thursday 08/01/2002 2:47:50am

Name: Janice Chamberlain
Homepage URL:
Location: Chadron, Ne
Comments: I just wanted to say that what i think your doing with spreading word to the rest of the world is GREAT! i believe everyone should be treated equal. I must say though...before i read your page i was a 100% gay/homosexual/bisexual..phobia..person...its just what i was taught..and didn't have an open mind about it. I was never cruel or mean to anyone who i knew that was though. Like matt oneil who came to chadron State college, i felt so bad..and ashamed that someone from my highschool would treat him like that. So i guess bottom line..Thanks for changing the way i think...And you have my deepest sympathy.


Monday 07/29/2002 5:01:26am

Name: Alicia Charnstrom
Homepage URL:
Location: Australia
Comments: firstly i came accross your story as i am doing an assignment on homophobia. I am a 29 year old mother of four children and your story touched me a great deal. i could never understand what it would be like to lose a child nor can i understand why there is so much hatred against the gay community. the ignorance of so many people is the problem not these people who are trying to live their lives in what makes them happy. your son sounded like he was lucky to have a wonderful family who supported him with open arms and loved him for being himself. it takes a special person to be that way. i hope your story reaches into the hearts of more people who are guilty of being ignorant and hopefully one day there will be an end to all this hatred.



Sunday 07/28/2002 4:34:41pm

Name: Delia Zindel
Homepage URL:
Location: New Zealand
Comments: Thank you for writing the story of
your son's life. It must be hard
for you to put all this down in words.
If it is OK with you I intend to print
off your son's story and use it as
a reference in schools here in Nelson.
I am often told by educators that life
is OK for gay students in this country
and they do not require any further
support and help in the school system.
I think your son's story, will give
them cause to pause and think about this issue more deeply. Thank you.
I am very sorry for your loss.
Delia Zindel


Sunday 07/28/2002 9:44:34am

Name: Jari Peltonen
Homepage: Jari Peltonen-website
Homepage URL:
Location: Tampere, FINLAND
Comments: Hi, Greetings from Finland!


Sunday 07/28/2002 7:06:01am

Name: Andrew
Homepage URL:
Location: England (Great Britian)
Comments: I came acroos your webpage site while surfing the net 1 nite.
I was very moved to tears in your terrible pain and loss you have suffered. I was so shocked that there is so much pain cruelty and evil in the world. My Prays are with you.
I hope you do not mind but I have put your link address on my webpage for other vistors to see.
It does not seem right of me to say Thank You but I was very moved in all what has been written.
I hope you can find peace in your heart soon.


Sunday 07/28/2002 4:41:52am

Name: Domas
Homepage URL:
Location: Lithuania
Comments: It's a pitty, It's a pitty, It's a pitty...


Sunday 07/28/2002 3:08:29am

Name: Angel Armesto, Jr.
Homepage: N/A
Homepage URL:
Location: Austin, Texas
Comments: I just read your memorial page to your son and I thought it was very touching and poignant and it is a shame that this ignorance is still happening in this day and age! As a gay male with HIV, I will deal with this the rest of my life and I know that I am lucky like your son to have such a supporting family as yourselves! May we soon have the time when everybody can be accepted for what we are, human beings, without any reprisals for any reason! May God Bless You and Your Family and Keep You All Safe!!!!



Saturday 07/27/2002 3:54:02pm

Name: anonymous
Homepage URL:
Comments: your son was a hero to my friend. He is a really great person for my friend to look up to. My friend is bi-sexual, and he's having trouble with himself. I try and try to reassure him things will be fine, just sometimes he doesnt listen. I hope my friend will have the strength of your son.

My condolenses. And apologies for my typos.

I'll also, like the guy who signed before me, pray for your family, the spirit of your son, the many others who are struggling, and the world in gerenal.

God Bless (if you believe in him)


Saturday 07/27/2002 5:21:51am

Name: Christopher
Homepage URL:
Location: Rochester, NY
Comments: Reading the story of your wonderful son and his brief life moved me, angered me, and most of all, gave me a renewed awareness of fragility of life.

I want to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. When I see the words "I'm sorry," I'm stunned by how they fall short of real meaning. Language is sometimes limited by its very nature.

May you find peace and grace in time. I will pray for you.


Friday 07/26/2002 8:49:56am

Name: Stephen Howsam
Homepage URL:
Location: Essex, England
Comments: i don't know if you remember, gabi, but i e-mailed you a couple of years ago before i came out and told you about some of my problems and how i felt about what happened to bill. i really pisses me off and i remembered 'bill's story' when i read about Matthew Shepperd. I'm now out and proud, and i have alot of support - don't give up. we don't want special rights, just equal rights.


Thursday 07/25/2002 10:33:21pm

Name: Tania Reyes
Homepage URL:
Comments: After reading this I have finaly decided to come out of the closet and tell my family and friends im bisexual and be pround of who I am. I just hope they accept me and support me and contenue loving me.....



Thursday 07/25/2002 7:38:44pm

Name: Miles Hunter
Homepage: Tsuki Productions
Homepage URL:
Location: Denver, Colorado
Comments: I believe that it is a shame that these types of hate are still taught and passed down through generations without stop. Some say that it's just the way it is, but I say it doesn't have to be.

I am a 15 year old gay male from Colorado, and next year I am going to be proposing an anti hate group at my high school (Lakewood High School). It may not be much, but hopefully I can change the ideals of people in my community.

I am very sorry that it had to come that far, but his story not only touched me, but gave me more motivation to stop this type of ignorance in today's society. It's sick and should not be tolerated.

Thank you so much for sharing this story with me, and I will make sure that this story is read and agknoledged by others.

-Miles Hunter



Tuesday 07/23/2002 11:46:17am

Name: David
Homepage URL:
Location: United Kingdom
Comments: Dear Gabi,

Firstly, I would like to honour your son for being himself. I am 20, gay and proud. I have however been very close to suicide more than once in my life.

This is not the case any more. Since I have had access to the support available on the Internet, I have realised that I am not alone. I have made many new friends who all send their love and support to both you and your family. Your website with others saved me at a very low time in my life.

Bill - I never knew you, and I know you are watching over us, let me buy you a drink some time.

With Love

United Kingdom



Tuesday 07/23/2002 8:05:58am

Name: William
Homepage URL:
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Comments: I'm 14 years old, and I'm so touched by your story. I'm glad you’re doing this for your son. I just wish that the world would only accept us for who we are; I don't know why there’s so much hatred in this world. Gay people are people. They’re no different. They have a heart, they have a mind, and they can love. It just hurts me so much everyday to hear people making fun of gay people. I just want to go up to them and say, "Shut up! That isn't right for you to say that!" I have also tried to commit suicide because of how the world is, and how others do not want me. I want to help in anyway way I can, because I want to feel like I helped people somehow. I hope everything goes well for you and I hope your son is in heaven with God.

With all the love in my heart…



Monday 07/22/2002 3:41:20pm

Name: Roger Lippert
Homepage URL:
Location: Dallas, TX
Comments: You are a wonderful lady and the love for your sons is shown throughout the site. You should be proud of all you have done. You are the mother that every gay man wishes that they had. I am sure that you have helped more people than even you can imagine. I hope that you some day you receive all the blessings and good things that you deserve.



Sunday 07/21/2002 10:40:46am

Name: maria
Homepage URL:
Location: Romania
Comments: i am very mooved by what happent to Bill and i am truly with you and your family. It is said that everywhere in the world we have to face this kind of things from people who have no principals and no morals. If my few words can make a difference i am glad that i could help....hope you will succed in this fight that we are all dealing with.



Friday 07/19/2002 10:42:29pm

Name: Craig Larsen
Homepage URL:
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Comments: I've read this twice and it still hits me. I'm one of those people that must not remain silent ... for their sake. My heart-felt prayers are with you.

Thanks for sharing this.



Wednesday 07/17/2002 11:47:51pm

Name: C.J.
Homepage URL:
Location: WA
Comments: I cannot put into words the incredible feelings I experience when reading Bill's story. Gabi, you are obviously an incredible person, and your love for your son, and the rest of your family is evident. With the pain of your loss, you also seem to have gained another love, which encompasses the rest of the world. If given the chance, I sincerely believe you could bring about world peace in an instant. Please continue with your hard work, and I can't thank you enough.



Wednesday 07/17/2002 3:12:07pm

Homepage URL:
Location: Wisconsin
Comments: I am an 18 year-old bisexual teen in a town of just less than 1000 people. Many people I went to high school with do not agree with homosexuality.

Unfortanately, they are also quick to ASSUME one's sexual orientation. I have been called names all throughout junior high and senior high without ever coming out. Though it never happened very often, it always hurt to hear "faggot" or "queer" being directed to me.

The only people I told I was bisexual were my friends that I knew would accept me and those that I could trust not to tell other people. These friends have helped me learn that being this way isn't bad at all. I wish the homophobes would see this.

Best wishes and God bless! You definitely have my prayers. :)



Wednesday 07/17/2002 6:50:58am

Name: Victoria Hufmann
Homepage URL:
Location: Nuremberg, Germany
Comments: I read Billīs story with great interest today. Ironically there has been a court ruling in Germany only today allowing homosexual/lesbian couples to marry.
I wanted to share this with you, as I thought it may encourage you to keep up your fight - things can be different.
God bless you all. Victoria



Sunday 07/14/2002 9:46:57am

Name: Aidan Moon
Homepage URL:
Location: Oregon
Comments: Thank you for sharing this, it has gotten me thinking about what I too might have to deal with as a gay teen. Again, I thank you. Goddess bless you and your loved ones.



Saturday 07/13/2002 5:15:14pm

Name: Brandy
Homepage URL:
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Comments: I came across this site by reading about the Brandon Teena story! It saddends me that people choose to be so cruel, I hate ignorance and racism, hate crimes and discrimination. I can't feel youe exact pain but I am sending my prayers to your family anyway.

God Bless
read Luke 1:79



Friday 07/12/2002 2:40:13pm

Name: Andrew
Homepage: Andrew's Parlor
Homepage URL:
Location: Torrance area, CA
Comments: Hi.

All that I can say

Your son is very brave. You must be a wonderful, caring, thoughtful, and open-minded father for your son at such a young age to tell you about his sexual orientation.

I myself am eighteen and am questioning my own sexuality, though I know I am definitely not straight. I had thought bi, but am now thinking differently. Only one family relative knows about me, though.

I can only imagine how incredibly painful it must have been for you to lose your son. Especially someone who was so kind and caring. I think this website is a great way to try and dissipate hate and discrimination, that which was dead before it even became alive. The sad thing is that not only does it destroy those that create it, but it can ruin the lives of those who are the victims of it.

Again, continue your work. I think what you're doing is a great thing. :-)





Thursday 07/11/2002 5:15:56pm

Name: Gina
Homepage URL:
Comments: Oh my god... ::breathes:: I stumbled upon your webpage because I am doing research for a transgender/transsexual/intersex/genderqueer youth resource guide... I am so blown away by your story and your courage and love as a parent. Thank you so much. Your love and compassion meant the world to Bill and mean the world to many queer youth out there. Just... thanks.
~ *Gina*



Thursday 07/11/2002 9:25:42am

Homepage URL:
Location: TUPELO,MS.



Thursday 07/11/2002 9:03:04am

Name: Daniel Cukier
Homepage URL:
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Comments: Gabi,
I honour your courage and applaude your strength. Bills story is truly touching and I thank you for sharing it with us all. I am gay and 17, Bills story is always going to be in my heart and I am now going to pass it on to my good friends and family.
Gabi, the work you are doing is truly amazing! WOW! Keep it up!
Lots of love



Thursday 07/11/2002 5:51:55am

Name: Lady Bane
Homepage: ...Never Never Land...
Homepage URL:
Location: ohio
Comments: Thank you for having the courage and strength to fight for what you believe in. The world would be a better place if more people were like you.

If there is anything I can do to help the cause, please don't hesitate to e-mail me.



Tuesday 07/09/2002 6:19:12pm

Name: Janay yennerell
Homepage URL:
Location: scottdale,pennsylvaina,USA
Comments: yes this story is very touching i hope that some day there will not be anymore judgeing people by there sex age color or especially sexual preferance or in any other way shape or form i hope for the best for this family that has/is suffering this loss of this great strong sounding bright young man
god bless you all!!!



Tuesday 07/09/2002 2:16:56pm

Name: Kimee
Homepage URL:
Location: Idaho, Boise
Comments: I am 17 years old, I'v been beat up picked on, and harased by my own family. It don't matter who you are or who you think you are, it hurts.


Tuesday 07/09/2002 10:22:46am

Name: shantaa
Homepage URL:
Comments: i just wanted to tell you that i also know how you feel. thanks for sharing such a touching topic.


Tuesday 07/09/2002 10:21:53am

Name: amy
Homepage URL:
Comments: i just wanted to tell you that i also know how you feel. thanks for sharing such a touching topic.



Tuesday 07/09/2002 10:19:25am

Name: amy
Homepage URL:
Comments: your story of your son is very touching i thought i would share my thanks with you.



Monday 07/08/2002 9:41:13pm

Name: LUZ
Homepage URL:
Location: Guatemala
Comments: I think this page help other peoples with a problem thanks


Thursday 07/04/2002 7:10:37am

Name: Brandi Alexander
Homepage: Brandis' Pages
Homepage URL: (3pages)
Location: Fort Worth, TEXAS
Comments: I love what you have done for you son's memory and wish you all the luck in the world. I am so glad that you took the time to share your survivor story it helps us survivors all heal more.



Wednesday 07/03/2002 1:59:58pm

Name: Bonnie
Homepage URL:
Location: Ramona, CA
Comments: I am so touched by your story, and your courage to relive it in your words. These stories inspire me to continue to fight as much as I can for homosexual rights and an end to all hate crimes. Thank you so much for being able to share your tragic story with us. It is the best way for the world to know that these things happen - and they need to be stopped. If it can just open one homophobe's eyes to see the TRUTH about what their hate does to people, it will be so worth it.



Monday 07/01/2002 3:47:04am

Name: Marsha Easter
Homepage URL:
Location: Sacramento, CA



Saturday 06/29/2002 8:48:21am

Name: luna
Homepage URL:
Location: Central PA, USA
Comments: Thank you for sharing your story with the world. If being able to see these pages prevents even one teen from ending his/her life, it's worth the effort. Blessings... luna



Friday 06/28/2002 11:10:54pm

Name: Donald R. Whitbeck
Homepage URL:
Comments: The story of your son's passing, without a doubt, only tells me again of the emotional distress brought about by the loss of a child. Nothing could be more tragic than the experience. We are all human beings regardless of our race, religion or sexuality. It is irrelevent in the scheme of things that only comes from one source, and, I confess, I really don't know what that source may be. However, if the loss of Bill could be felt by all humans at the same level of intensity, I feel certain humanity would change their thinking. I wish you strength, hope, recovery and all the emotional help that is available to mankind from a power greater that we know. Thank you for sharing.



Friday 06/28/2002 8:34:53am

Name: Paige Browning-Litz
Homepage URL:
Location: Orlando, FL
Comments: I grew up in a small town in Georgia that was tensioned by racism. I understand young people's plights in a society that doesn't see past titles and color. Now that I have a child of my own, I am trying to give her diverse and cultural experience to pull from. Your story moved me and I will think about your family often in the face of ignorance and hatred of all kinds. Blessed Be.



Tuesday 06/25/2002 11:18:15pm

Homepage URL:
Comments: Thank you for sharing your son's story. It sounds like he had a tough time coming to grips with his life and his bisexuality. I am 38 and find myself more confused than ever about life as a gay or bisexual male. Many of the things you said about Bill remind me of not wanting to do my homework and being more interested in activities outside of school. Life is a vast oasis of incredible beauty, but can also be incredibly lonely when you don't have anyone else to share it with or complain about it with. I think there are some inherenet problems with being gay not just today but throughout my life and so on. I love my life although at time I am terribly depressed about the things I lack like a relationship and friends around at all times. Some people like Bill are high energy and restless souls. I think I can relate though being someone who was in a steady career most of my life, happy, and goal oriented although really not much of a planner and turns out not a success in my mind. When pain and uselessness made me quit my career to give up my apartment and move in with my parents, I really didn't know what to do and sometimes wonder what I am going to do now. I have had to change my definition of success and look to my family and friends for support instead of depending on it from within. It pains me when I see this in my friends and especially when I feel like I need to fix the perceived problem. Life is not as simple as when I was Bill at 14 and he seemed to need to say goodbye instead of bearing with what he saw as the reality of the situation.



Tuesday 06/25/2002 12:55:40am

Name: jeudelie orelus
Homepage URL:



Monday 06/24/2002 10:03:40am

Name: Micah
Homepage URL:
Comments: Dear Gabi,
Thank you so much for all the work you've done to stop hate and spread love. I'm at a public library and when I read the story of your son it caused me to cry right here around all these people. Please remember that your work does matter and you are making a difference. I'm a gay 17 year old who has just recently been coming out and it's been hard and I've had to deal with a lot of hate but I know that with loving friends and community, I'll make it. Thank you so much for your love.
Sincerely, Micah



Monday 06/24/2002 7:22:20am

Name: Gabi Clayton
Homepage: the index page & more about Bill
Homepage URL:
Location: Olympia, WA
Comments: This new guestbook was started on 6/24/02. Links to pages with all the past responses to Bill's story are on the page link above. Thank you so much for signing my guestbook.
Love, Gabi

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