More ear tests on Friday

FYI, tomorrow afternoon Alec and I go to Seattle and will spend the night at af friend’s house so we can get up really early and drive across town to the University of Washington Medical Center for me to have another MRI and a balance test because of my continuing ear problem – mild vertigo and possible damage due to an inner ear infection.

This has been going on since July (thats a LONG time!) and I’ve lost a lot of hearing in my right ear which could be permanent. I hope not. I’ll see the ear doc again next week and find out what the tests show. He told us he thinks the infection is gone but did some damage and thats what this is to figure out.

We have to be there for the tests at 7:30am or so Friday thru about 4pm, so we figured it would be easier to go up the day before and not have an over an hour drive in the morning. Early rush hour to Seattle is no fun – especially in the winter when its probably raining and could snow.

Noel has the day off so he’ll meet us at the hospital after he does a morning run. That way we get to see him, and Alec will have some company to hang out with during a long day at the hospital. Then we’ll probably get some dinner with Noel before we drive home on Friday evening.

I don’t plan to be online at all while we are gone, but I’ll have my cell phone with me and will let Alec hold it when I’m being tested. For those of you who have the number, if something comes up that you need to let me know about give me a call.

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